Tuesday, October 18, 2011

If It Was Easy....Anyone could do it

My first run back out on the roads and I'm going to say.....boooo!

I anticipated being a bit slower, it has been almost a week since I've had a good run.  What I did not anticipate was my stride/strike problem.  Can you say, one foot cooperates and the other one slaps like a wet noodle. When I started running, I paid very close attention to how my feet were striking and my stride, making sure I didn't over extend, these legs are only so long.  I have been very fortunate that both feet cooperated and really have been pleased with them.

I noticed the issue on the treadmill Saturday, but attributed it to the treadmill, my attitude, being tired, etc.  This morning.......I'm clueless.  Well of course I'm tired, who isn't first thing in the morning.  I was on my normal path, with my great playlist shuffled beautifully.  My running gear was all the same.  I have no idea.........

I love running with music, I even took my headphones off to try and figure out what on earth was going on with my left foot for the last mile.  The right one landed beautifully with the just the right amount of force, no pain, no strain.  Then here came the left one ....bam.....bam.....and a nice little muscle strain on that leg quickly followed.

I know I've been very lucky to not have injury issues, weird aches/pains, etc.  I really don't want to start now, this has me very concerned....time for research.  If you have experience this issue or have any suggestions, please share them. 

Other than that little issue, it felt great to be back outside.  The stars were peaking thru some clouds that are building for the rainy day ahead.  I did take a moment to be thankful that I got out of bed this morning, while another hour in bed would have been nice.  But as my dad has always said, if it was easy anyone could do it.  I'm anticipating cooler mornings than what we've been having, which adds a new twist. 

Must get this figured out so my morning run gets back to normal....enjoyable for me.

1 comment:

  1. I'd lean first towards the treadmill throwing off your stride. It definitely happens even if you don't notice it. If it didn't, you're going to have good runs and bad runs. You're even going to have some downright ugly runs. Try not to let one bleed into the next. Just like His mercies are new every day, your next run could be fabulous.
