Saturday, October 15, 2011


They say you don't know how good you have it until.....complete the sentence as you choose.

I'm finding this to be true this week. I'm very grateful that God has chosen to bless me in many ways. Are they always easy, well no. But I am grateful for each of them. So,now you get to hear what:

I'm grateful for my hubby. I've missed him a lot while traveling. He has been uber supportive and I'll be glad to see him.

For my girlie, we have fun, even when there is work to be done. Plus we have interesting conversations. Grateful that she wants to have those too.

For my home, hotel living is fine for short stays, I think I'm now past short.

I'm grateful that my parents made sure I understood the importance of education. Sitting in class for 4 days that reviews what I learned in 6 courses over a period of 7 my brain hurts. but I know it's totally worth it in the end.

For my family that encourages me and listens when I just need to vent because my brain hurts.

For my running buddies, I really missed being with all of them this morning for our Saturday run.

For the ability to run outside on roads and not treadmills. This may be what really brought all of this to mind. Tonight I ran on a treadmill, for the first time since college. Can you say boredom?

A. I don't like running looking at myself in mirrors. I tried even imagining where I would be at distance wise on my usual route. Didn't work.

B. I do not like feeling like I could totally face plant with one little bitty stumble.

C. I'm not a big fan of running at the same pace constantly. It's hard to push yourself, and the little speed button, when point B. At the forefront of my mind.

Grateful that I get to go home tomorrow! Monday is going to be crazy busy, but I'll be in my own little world. And I'll get to run my own little roads with my own little heart rate monitor and my own little routine to follow. Wahoooooooooo!

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy my own little girl is back in her own little world, welcome home! Love you, Dad.
