Thursday, November 3, 2011

More new experiences....wahoooo!

We all go into marraige with expectations.  I want this, we are going to do that all the time, etc.  (The list is long!)  One of those things I always expected would happen once married was the evening walks after dinner, dog on the leash, sunsets, dreamy evenings, white picket fences......Wake Up Girlie!

When you set those expectations, you usually get let down at least a little bit.  It's taken 10 years of marraige, a few evening strolls, but the hubby truly doesn't enjoy walking.  He LOVES biking, football, golf, basketball.  I've biked, I've thrown the football around the yard, I enjoy golf when we can. 

I'm excited to share that we are now running some together!  Most of my running is done very early in the morning and he doesn't enjoy mornings.  Hubby is training for a tri (involves running!) and we started running some together at least one evening a week.  I'm so excited!  He helps me work on my speed (if I want to run with him and not just follow) which I need to work on and I help him with distance.  I love it! 

Excited for a long run this weekend (6 miles), it's a new distance for me.  I'm also excited for one of my running inspriations who is doing a Half in Savannah this weekend.  I have great excpectations for the many posts that will come after this weekend's NYC Marathon.  I'm thinking I want to train to run that one in 2013 (I have to give myself some time to actually run a marathon and be able to do it well, I mean I can't travel all that way and do poorly~!)

First 10k in a couple weeks, can't wait to see how my PR is for that one :).