Sunday, September 9, 2012


This may sound strange, but I thoroughly enjoyed 15 miles, much better than 14 miles!

I just realized I neglected to blog about my 14 miles.  It was a new distance for me, but I must admit the last two miles!  I have a running buddy that is uber fast, but on longer runs she will pace with me in the group and she agreed to go longer than the rest of the group with me so I wasn't alone.  She is also 13 years younger than I am, in excellent shape, and just flat out fast. 

I was so thankful for her on the 14 miles, but I let her run ahead on the last two miles because I would be able to see her ahead of me for the rest of the route and felt safe. 

My recovery from 14 miles was a cake walk, other than a tight calf which my awesome massage therapist worked out for me.  Then I got a little over zealous.....

There was a full "blue moon" last weekend and our running group thought it would be fun to try a night run Friday night instead of Saturday morning.  Several folks were going for 17 miles and I thought, oh why not, it's only 3 more miles.  I completely ignored the fact that I started feeling the effects of a cold on Wednesday and my stomach was not cooperating either.  But the cold medicine was doing it's part during the day, surely I could keep running....Right? Oh no, so wrong.....

We started running at 8:20pm and were getting in 3 miles prior to the rest of the runners coming for the long haul.  I had a great 1st mile, strong, confident, easy pace.  The second mile felt even better, even on the winding climb that I usually hate. Then we started mile 3, and that'w when it all fell apart.  I started to feel dizzy so I started walking, then I couldn't get my breathing under control even walking.  Thankfully, we were headed back to the cars and another runner fell back with me to walk and I realized, this is just stupid! (which became my theme for the weekend)  I had 3 miles completed, I only "needed" 10 for the weekend, so I purposed to get up the next morning and do 7 close to home and take it easy on myself.  The next morning I made it a mile and just flat out felt like I'd been runover by a truck.  As I walked home I once again reminded myself, this is stupid!  You are sick, rest your body and pick it up again Tuesday. 

Lesson's learned, you actually need to eat real food before running, being sick and deciding not to eat because you just don't want to is not smart, night running is probably never going to be something I enjoy, if I thought it was warm in the morning I really should not complain because it is hotter at night.

Soooooo, my weekday runs this past week leading up to 15 miles were AWESOME!  My running buddy prior to China was back in the mix, which I never realized how much I appreciated.  My legs felt great, my pace was getting back to normal, life was good during the week.  I tackled a few extra bike rides (that could be an entirely separate comic strip) and just felt excited about Saturday's run.

I was hopeful that others would be starting a bit early to run some extra miles on top of the groups 12 miles.  The usuals didn't do it, so I packed my car, ran 3 miles in my neighborhood, jumped in the car, dropped water at my water stop, and met the group.  12 miles to go.

There were a few moments, I just wasn't sure I was going to make it, but my mantra was Intentionally Strong.  I dropped back from a couple of the runners I was pacing with at about mile 9, but by mile 11 I was ahead of them again with another runner who was doing a great pace and would walk when I just had to recover quickly.  She pushed me, but the conversation was great.  I finished 15 miles and felt stellar.  Then.......

My kiddo was at Junior Runner's Club at the park near our starting point that morning, so I swung over there jumped out of the car and did their warm up run with them.  I stretched with them and did their circuit, but I cheered them on during their 800 meter time trials.  I was toast!

Follow that up with a day of shopping and needless to say, my little legs are tired today.  I've kept my feet up most of the day just recovering so this week will go well and I can just run 10 miles Saturday. 

The clock is ticking as I near my first full marathon, just gotta keep moving!  November 3rd will be here before I know it! 

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