Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Temperature Dropping

I completely enjoyed my run this morning.  The temperature was a bit cooler, full moon, great run!  I worked a few more speed drills in and finished stronger than I anticipated considering I stayed up too late last night and ate dessert (shhh!  don't tell.)

With cooler temperatures and the seasons ahead, I know how busy schedules are getting.  It's evidenced by my calendar and trying to sync it up with everyone else's calendars.  Football games, holiday events, women's retreats (I'm really looking forward to running at the beach in just a little over a week), events I want to participate in, events I need to participate in, general fun I want to have.  Then there are those things I know are profitable.  Decisions, decisions, decisions....

I'm working on saying "no" more often.  "Working" is the key phrase in that sentence.  I'm finding that I am often stretched a bit more than what is likely good for me, the fam, my friends, and the list goes on.  Yes, I know several of you have warned me about this, often.  Yet, I still find myself in these little quandaries where I'm  having to make those tough decisions.  My great friend A and I have had the conversation many a times, that just because we are capable of doing something doesn't necessarily mean we should be the ones to do it.  Yet we still argue with ourselves, to offer my time and services or to keep them to myself.

Isn't that the whole reason I wanted to get healthier, so I would have the ability to help others.  But as with all things, there must be proper balance.  Ahhhh, Balance....must work on that some more!

Overall, excited about my first 5k this weekend.  Grateful that God took great care of my mom today, the gall bladder is gone and now recovery begins.  Next week I get to start working on the next level of training.....10k then Half Marathon!  Bring on the open road!

1 comment:

  1. 'Ahhhhh, Balance'... The dreaded B word! I'm very, very proud of you. Love you.
