Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Healthy Habits

After another three day weekend of a family member getting ill and ending up in the hospital (she's ok, the gall bladder must go), I've decided that every month I'm going to add a new healthy habit to my lifestyle. 

Over the summer I changed several habits: eating only lean proteins and veggies, exercise (which I now enjoy), and drinking less soda.  Now that we are looking autumn in the face, I think a new healthy habit a month should be achievable. 

Starting Monday I'm going to stop drinking sodas, entirely!  I have cut way back, but typically will have one a day.  They are always diet, but they are still bad for me.  So no sodas in September!

 I love the holidays, I know they are fast approaching and I know there will be a ton of food that I LOVE!  I'm not going to deprive myself, just not going to over indulge as I normally do. 

But now that I've committed to this idea of adding healthy habits, I actually have to figure out some healthy habits to add.... research time!

1 comment:

  1. :) You make me smile! And you encourage me! I love being friends!
