Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Bump in the Road, Actually, The Edge

I started my fall training plan for my full marathon this past week, taking my Tuesday run from 4-6, adding a 6 miler on Wednesday, and my normal 4 miles on Thursday.  Tuesday was rough, as our route didn't allow much additonal space unless we felt like running in a very dark area, which we chose not to, so we did 5 miles.  Wednesday's six miles were slow, but we did them.  I was really looking forward to an easy 4 miles Thursday, followed by a day of rest before 10 miles on Saturday. 

The first mile on Thursday I wasn't certain my stomach was going to approve.  Worked thru that, the next few miles I stopped trying to do my all out pace which was resulting in a lot of walking.  I finally found a decent rythem in that last mile that I was happy with, when boom, I hit the ground.

I took a turn and I heard some folks behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see where they were, when my foot slipped off the edge of the pavement and thankfully I landed on the grass shoulder of the road on all fours.  I took a second, sat still, then got up.  Everything was working ok, my hands weren't bleeding, my capris weren't ripped at the knee.  Great, just a fall, I'll be sore Friday but I'll be good to go for Saturday's run......or so I thought.

Once I hit the light I found out I had cut my knee, but it was still dark and I couldn't tell how bad or good it was.  I put a wet napkin on it in the car and headed home.  Once I got inside, I had to wake up the hubby to decide if I should hit the doctor's office and see if it needed stitches or not.  (The reason for the great debate, I made a poor decision last year after a mountian biking accident and have the ugliest scar on my left leg.)  After some discussion and a shower we decided it would be best to have it looked at. 

After two hours at the doctor's office, they wrote me a script for an ointment, told me they could do stitches, but I didn't really need them, handed me instructions on bandaging it and to work I went.  He said I could run as soon as I felt up to it, he was concerned about the swelling, but nothing big.

My poor knee

Or so I left ankle has been swelling for two days, my knee is stiff as can be, and I'm not a happy runner.  It was raining early this morning and stiffness in my knee said stay in bed.  I missed my 10 mile run but felt it would be better to miss this distance (that I've done a lot in the past couple of months) than to mess it up more and miss my weekday runs this coming week. 

I really hope things are improved by Tuesday morning, I really can't afford to miss my 14 miler next weekend, but I can't mess my leg up.  I just finished telling some friends who helped me with my training schedule that I really hadn't been injured other than one brief time after running on a treadmill (mean machine!)  I'm confident this will all work out.  Just a bump in the training plan and a lesson learned to not look back when running, I don't stear well going in that direction. LOL


  1. I'm a very easily distracted runner at times and almost caused a few trips and falls for me. Sure hope it heals up quick for you so you can get back at it!! Maybe this will be the only bump in the road for you during marathon training and the rest will be smooth sailing. Which marathon are you running?

  2. I'm running the Savannah Rock n Roll Marathon in November. I hope it's the only bump, I've been so thankful to have pretty easy runs and training until now.

    1. I've heard those are fun! And I love music so I bet that'll be a blast!
