Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year and What next.....again

I feel like I've said that before....what next.  In 2012 I accomplished two major goals, I ran my first half marathon......then another one two weeks later.  I then went on to train for a full marathon and completed that in November.  I've continued to run.  But once you have set a goal and then achieve it, being the goal oriented nerd that I am, I have to start looking towards that next mark.

I can honestly say I love running.  Yes, you heard me right....LOVE RUNNING!!!  I was considering running the local marathon in January, but it conflicted with my hubby's first really long (no seriously, 113 miles) cycling event.  I really don't need to stress our family or myself by having two of us doing mega endurance at the same time.  Because of that, I was keeping my weekend mileage up, several members of my running group are still running marathons or The Goofy, so I had people to run with.  Then, Christmas day I got the crud everyone else in town had been battling.  I was out for a week. 

That first week back to running (last week) was wretched (my new favorite word of the month).  My splits were horrible, my endurance was gone, and my body (aka stomach) was not cooperating. 

So.....again I ask....what's next?  I've decided for the first quarter of the year I'm going to focus on speeding up my 5k times.  I'm sticking with my Tues, Thurs, Saturday running strategy while adding in shorter runs on Wednesday and Friday to work on some speed training.  There are two 5k's that I want to do over the next couple of months, this will give me a little time to work on my speed, get some weight off (let's just say my sweet tooth was very happy in December), and have a few weeks in between the two 5k's to compare my times.

I got back on the bike this past weekend and that's another area I plan on working on, as I felt like a total slacker as I was trying to pedal, but felt like I was going nowhere, but my breathing sounded like I was making tracks (lol).  Poor hubby, I'm sure felt like he was dragging me. 

I do have a new favorite thing...toe socks!!!!!  My podiatrist recommended them to help my toenails and blister issues, and I have to say I love them! 

Now that I have a gameplan...what's your?

1 comment:

  1. Hey I just bought that same pair of shoes today! Do you like them??
