Monday, November 5, 2012

Rock n Roll Full Marathon Savannah, GA---I'm officially a marathoner!

I love weekends of adventure, especially when it involves fun activities, shopping, time with my mom and kiddo, and RUNNING!  This weekend was a very big weekend as it was to be my first Full Marathon.

We made a last minute decision to go up on Thursday afternoon, prior to the Saturday morning event.  I just didn't want to feel rushed at all leading up to an event like this when I had no idea what it would feel like to actually run 26.2 miles.  In training for this, I ran 20 miles twice, felt great after each of those runs, but that additional 6.2 of unknown was a little daunting for me.

Kyley and I on the ferry headed to the expo

We stayed on the outskirts of Savannah Thursday night, to save some money on the hotel and to make driving a little easier.  Had a great nights sleep on Thursday night, woke up Friday morning and headed into the historic section of Savannah to park the car and head over to the convention center on the ferry to pick up my packet and head into the expo.  I could hardly contain the excitement.

  I LOVE EXPOs.  I can't deny it, the energy, the fun of seeing all of the different products and race promotions, the other people excited about running their first or 30th half or full marathon.  I just love these events (although I must admit we ran into one vendor that was just rude, but I didn't let her spoil my overall excitement.)

The Rock n Roll race organizers did an awesome job of packet/shirt/swag pick up.  Everyone was moving right along and I decided, after I saw the shirt, that I really wished I'd requested another size and who knew, they had an option to swap out sizes in that area as well.  Very well organized, very friendly.

Then we walked into the Brooks gear area, some great gear and very well displayed, then into the remainder of the expo.  I found some great deals, some toe socks which I'm going to try and get use to after this weekends toe issues, and even some new sunglasses (wahooo!)

After the expo, we spent the afternoon walking around, we ate lunch and just enjoyed the atmosphere. A quick trip to Target, we checked into the hotel downtown (strategically a few blocks from the start and the finish) and started planning dinner.  I finished the day off with a wonderful plate of spaghetti and early to bed.  Everything was laid out for the next morning, strategy was set for where I would see my mom and Ky and how everything would go down.  Or so I thought....

I drifted off to sleep around 8:30 or 9 pm, I really can't remember which, I didn't wake up at all until around 2 am (very normal for me these days) then again at 3:30 but I was making myself go back to sleep, the alarm on my iPad was set for 5 am.  At 6:20 am, I rolled over and looked at the time and jumped out of bed!  I quickly woke everyone up and had to calm myself down that I still had an hour and a half until the start of the race which was an easy 15 minute walk from my hotel room.  I ate my bagel and we were ready to go.  I was very thankful that I had everything laid out the night before.
The start line for the race....wahoo!
We made it to the edge of my coral with plenty of time and stood in line for the porta potties, talked a bit.  I actually ran into someone I know from my business networking organization, he's 6'8", kind of hard to miss.  Got into my coral and chatted with some other folks, one lady was running her first half marathon and it was so much fun encouraging her.  The race started and they really moved the corals along very quickly.

  I started out way to fast, but I felt good.  I kept telling myself, slow down, slow down, but continually got caught up in the crowd.     I had a friend about 7 corals behind me, 10 years younger and much faster than me, I figured she would catch me around mile 2, but she caught me around mile 3.  I told her to run on, as I caught myself trying to match her pace, but knowing there was no way I could maintain that.   An unforseen potty stop at mile 5 (very rare for me, I think I may  have overhydrated) took 4 minutes of my time, but I was still clipping the miles along very nicely.  My heart rate monitor was driving me nuts spinning around my chest, so I handed it off to Ky at mile 7, I was so glad to see her and my mom, I was worried I wouldn't be able to find them in the crowd.  They made posters for me after the start of the race, I was so glad to get to see them at that point, as I knew the next time I saw them would be at the finish line. 

Overall, the course was a great.  The start took us through a depressed area of Savannah, but the locals were fabulous out there cheering us on.  So many kids giving us high-fives and just yelling for us to keep going.  The half marathoners headed in for the finish at mile 11 (I was able to see a father send off what looked like his daughter or son and a friend as he went to the finish line and they soldiered on for the full) and the full marathoners went onto a highway.  I knew we were going on the highway for a portion, but I neglected to pay attention that we would also be coming back to the finish on the highway. (insert mental head slap and strategy setting for my return)  As I'm plugging along on the highway, here come the Full Marathon leaders, it was cool to get to cheer them along.  Once we got off the highway, we headed to Savannah State University which was beautiful and then into another just gorgeous neighborhood.  That portion was well shaded as the sun was rising and so were the temps. 

I started mentally been preparing myself for that return jaunt on the highway to the finish line.   I was being very cautious, chatting with a 30 year old who was completing her 14th marathon, her 1st in her birthday month of doing a marathon every weekend. Her overall goal is to do a marathon in each state, and she's doing Ragnar Key West in January (I had serious runner envy at this point) we ran together and walked together a few times after pacing together at mile 16.  I checked my cell at mile 18 and had a furry of encouraging texts from my friends and family that were so encouraging to just keep moving forward.    I was pacing myself trying to make sure I had reserves once I passed that 20 mile mark.  Then at mile 23.....the Garmin died!!!!! UGH!  I felt good, but the Garmin dying really tripped me up a bit.

The final miles came into sight, I passed a few more runners (that felt good) and really felt great about my finish.  I pumped into high gear for the final stretch and felt marvelous crossing that finish line!!!!

My mom and Ky were cheering me across the line and I was able to get to them very quickly.  They couldn't get over the amount of salt on my face, arms and legs.  I actually had to use bottled water and my sweatshirt sleeve from the morning to wash it off my face as it continued to dry.  It didn't matter though,  I was absolutely on cloud nine!!!

We walked around Forsyth Park (the finish area) and after purchasing some shirts, headed back to the hotel for a shower and some rest.  I made reservations at Lady and Sons restaurant for my celebratory dinner and we walked downtown and looked in a couple of shops also.  It was so much fun seeing other runners out and about with their medals on and shirts.  I have to admit, I was really pleased that I was walking normal, my legs felt great, my feet were healing from the nasty blisters on my big toes (hello toe socks that I will be getting to know very well), I just felt great!

So, excellent experience.  I feel like I could have absolutely ran harder and gotten a better time, but for my first full marathon, I'm happy with my 5:40 finish.  I learned so much in training for this race about proper fueling leading up to a run like this, proper hydration, and just to keep focused on the main thing.  There were so many things that could have distracted me, but honestly so many times during that almost 6 hour run I was so thankful to God for legs that kept going, for feet that didn't fail me, for volunteers handing out water, Gatorade, GU, etc.  Just so thankful that He provided excellent weather, great people for me to chat with, wonderful songs for the 10 miles I actually put my headphones in my ears.

I'm happy with my training plan, ecstatic with my support crew, and just overall blessed to have had such a great first marathon experience.  I truly can't wait to run another one and push my body a bit more, January will be the next one so I've got some time to tweak a few things.   

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Marathon on the horizon...but am I ready?

Tapering has begun.  My main goal these days:  JUST DON'T GET INJURED!!!!

My 20 milers, were fabulous, both of them.  I felt great and confident once they were done and actually was surprised by how quickly they went by.  Recovery went great...

Dave and I recovering legs after he did 60 on the road bike and I ran my last 20 miles, be thankful it's not a close-up, my toes are so ugly these days.

I had a 12 miles run Saturday that went by so fast (really seems like minimal in comparison) and took Sunday off entirely, other than climbing through the woods to take pics at a mountain bike race.  Last night hubby and I did 11 "recovery" miles on the bikes, really pushing my level for the last 3 miles and I came to a new realization.....I think I'm officially an endorphin junkie.  

I know, sounds horrible right, but the two days I took off running just flat out felt yucky (great descriptive term in my book.)  After cycling last night I felt great, felt like I could conquer the world, or at least the grocery store, which was next on our list.  I went to bed early and got up for this morning's easy 4 miles.

Wait, did I just call that easy?  Sure did and it wasn't easy.  I came to another realization this morning (it's all about self discovery this week) I pay so much attention to what I eat prior to a "long" run, but practice reckless abandonment in the hours and days leading up to my short runs.  I was slow this morning, just didn't feel like it.....why I asked myself....could it have anything to do with the bacon and cookies involved with dinner that was later than usual?  Why yes Stephanie, I believe it does.  

So, in the final countdown to my first full marathon I'm focusing on eating better (read this as "Cut out the sugarfest of junk food and pumpkin spice lattes Stephanie!")  and just staying focused, as November 3rd kicks off the busiest month I think I've ever seen.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Head Games

The more I run, the more I come to grips with the mental game of running.  Most things I read talk about the mental obstacles in running, how others deal with them, what they may be.  But in the past week I've had some wild adventures on foot and in my brain.

This past weekend I was attending a ladies retreat with my church.  There were three of us that needed to run Saturday morning.  Alarms were set, reasonable bedtimes accomplished (amongst chatting females that is a small miracle, and yes I count myself as a big time chatter), and then I heard this voice........Such a strange voice.....Who owns the phone with the most annoying alarm in the world?  Oh wait, it's a fire alarm. 

We stayed at the same resort last year and on the second night some of the ladies that stayed had a fire alarm, and another, and another, they had like 5 in one night and there was not a fire.  My first thought was, is this real?  All 6 of us evacuated the condo we were occupying (come to find out of the 40 women attending, we were the only 6 to leave) headed down 7 flights of stairs, to be greeted by a security guard informing us that it was just a small oven situation and all was well.  By the time we arrived back to our room, my alarm was going to go off in 20 minutes.  The great debate, do we just go ahead and go or go back to bed and forget the run???  We decided to be good runner girls and we ran.

I needed 4 while my running buddies needed 3, so we had already determined we would split up.  I'm running along nicely, when I spot a deer on the side of the road, beautiful buck, point, nice!  Oh wait, he's going to cross the road.  If I keep running he may hit me.  All I could imagine at this point was making headlines of runner gets beat up by buck on her morning run, you've seen the videos, the person never wins.  I stopped and graciously allowed Mr. Buck to cross the road peacefully.  The rest of the run, once I got over providing my dear friends with rotten directions for the run and the sheer panic that they were lost, was so nice hearing the ocean waves in the background at all times.  The rest of the weekend was an absolute blast complete with laughter galore!

Tuesday was my regular 4 mile run, but Wednesday added a twist since I was unable to get a long run in on Saturday.  There was another runner from my group that needed to do a mid week long run, so we set out this morning for 20 miles, at 4:15 AM.  The head games started as soon as I agreed to doing this, but I was confident it could be done.  No WOULD be done.  Route was mapped, water stops planned.  My new running shorts arrived with pockets for all my fueling.  I was ready.

We had an additional runner agree to join us, safety in numbers, even better.  But he is significantly faster than me, so the head games started impacting my tummy and my confidence.  I was still going to run, no matter how far I got.  (notice no longer focused on the full 20)

Water was set out, earnest prayers were prayed the day before and again that morning for safety and stamina, I arrived at our starting location and the original pair was there, no third, he never showed.  My confidence started creeping back in, no issues, this will be a nicely paced run, no problems.  Then I'm told that a runner that I absolutely look up to for her stamina, commitment, speed and strength had texted my running partner at 3:30 this morning that she was up and was thinking about joining us. (yes she is that good to just wake up and decide to run really, really far)  Super runner joined us at mile 2, parked and we were off again.  The pace was nice, but I was in no way shape or form going to be able to maintain that pace for 18 more miles.  The head games commenced....

From mile 2 to mile 10 I started formulating my exit strategy.  Now there were three, if after 10 miles I decided I was done, no big deal, there would still be two runners.  At mile 15 I would only be a few blocks from a friends house, who would likely be dropping off her kiddos to school and she could just swing by and pick me up and return me to my vehicle.  At mile 18 if I just couldn't take it anymore, my office was right there, I could get one of my coworkers to drive me back to my car, if  I didn't stink too bad.  Ok, great, gameplan in store, I know my exits, it added a bit of peace to my little brain.

Mile 10 I felt great, no problem, I can keep going.  I still had two or three more exit strategies in mind.  At mile 12 I made up my mind, if I could run 12 miles what was another 8?  We had an extended water break at this point as there was a porta potti nearby and one runner had to have it.  I texted the hubby to let him know I was at mile 12 feeling great.  No problems, I put my headphones in for some added encouragement. 

Mile 14 introduced morning traffic into our route, we did a loop twice so this almost made the loop feel like a new route because now we really had to pay attention and the sun was up.  With the added traffic came some looks of concern or pitty or who knows what.  We determined that there should be a sign for your shirt that shows your mileage, a direct feed from your Garmin, so people realize that no, I don't look this haggard on an easy 4 mile run.  No, I may not be as easily persuaded to wait for you to make up your mind because I've already ran 17 miles and I only have 3 left to get to my car and food!  We were very fortunate to have an entertaining school crossing guard tell us to slow down, it was a school zone, he was super sweet, and a hospital security guard try and race us in his truck with only 1.5 miles left in our run.  When he heard how far we had already ran, he cheered us on and let us continue.

After mile 15 my calf thought it wanted to cramp, but I convinced it otherwise.  Mile 16 included some whacky heart rate readings that had me a bit concerned.  I walked a bit more than intended, but felt much better once it was within range and I actually took it a bit lower for precaution.  (I'm actually thinking my HR monitor for my Garmin had shifted at this point which was causing the weird readings.)

20 miles, that's a really long distance, a new distance for me.  The last mile I spent reflecting on the run itself, thanking God for the sheer ability to even go that far with minimal hiccups, thankful I didn't have any major emotional swings on this run.  When I arrived back at my car, after a quarter mile walk to cool down, I entered the passenger seat and looked up, there was my old high school.  Thinking back to high school Stephanie, there was not a chance of me even thinking about running a mile, let alone 20.  Another moment of awe at what my Heavenly Father is capable of doing if I just let Him.  I'm thankful that run is over, in two weeks I'll do 22 then taper before 26.2 in Savannah (dinner reservations have already been made at Paula Deen's restaurant after the marathon).  The fun shall continue!

What kind of mind games do you play?

Sunday, September 9, 2012


This may sound strange, but I thoroughly enjoyed 15 miles, much better than 14 miles!

I just realized I neglected to blog about my 14 miles.  It was a new distance for me, but I must admit the last two miles!  I have a running buddy that is uber fast, but on longer runs she will pace with me in the group and she agreed to go longer than the rest of the group with me so I wasn't alone.  She is also 13 years younger than I am, in excellent shape, and just flat out fast. 

I was so thankful for her on the 14 miles, but I let her run ahead on the last two miles because I would be able to see her ahead of me for the rest of the route and felt safe. 

My recovery from 14 miles was a cake walk, other than a tight calf which my awesome massage therapist worked out for me.  Then I got a little over zealous.....

There was a full "blue moon" last weekend and our running group thought it would be fun to try a night run Friday night instead of Saturday morning.  Several folks were going for 17 miles and I thought, oh why not, it's only 3 more miles.  I completely ignored the fact that I started feeling the effects of a cold on Wednesday and my stomach was not cooperating either.  But the cold medicine was doing it's part during the day, surely I could keep running....Right? Oh no, so wrong.....

We started running at 8:20pm and were getting in 3 miles prior to the rest of the runners coming for the long haul.  I had a great 1st mile, strong, confident, easy pace.  The second mile felt even better, even on the winding climb that I usually hate. Then we started mile 3, and that'w when it all fell apart.  I started to feel dizzy so I started walking, then I couldn't get my breathing under control even walking.  Thankfully, we were headed back to the cars and another runner fell back with me to walk and I realized, this is just stupid! (which became my theme for the weekend)  I had 3 miles completed, I only "needed" 10 for the weekend, so I purposed to get up the next morning and do 7 close to home and take it easy on myself.  The next morning I made it a mile and just flat out felt like I'd been runover by a truck.  As I walked home I once again reminded myself, this is stupid!  You are sick, rest your body and pick it up again Tuesday. 

Lesson's learned, you actually need to eat real food before running, being sick and deciding not to eat because you just don't want to is not smart, night running is probably never going to be something I enjoy, if I thought it was warm in the morning I really should not complain because it is hotter at night.

Soooooo, my weekday runs this past week leading up to 15 miles were AWESOME!  My running buddy prior to China was back in the mix, which I never realized how much I appreciated.  My legs felt great, my pace was getting back to normal, life was good during the week.  I tackled a few extra bike rides (that could be an entirely separate comic strip) and just felt excited about Saturday's run.

I was hopeful that others would be starting a bit early to run some extra miles on top of the groups 12 miles.  The usuals didn't do it, so I packed my car, ran 3 miles in my neighborhood, jumped in the car, dropped water at my water stop, and met the group.  12 miles to go.

There were a few moments, I just wasn't sure I was going to make it, but my mantra was Intentionally Strong.  I dropped back from a couple of the runners I was pacing with at about mile 9, but by mile 11 I was ahead of them again with another runner who was doing a great pace and would walk when I just had to recover quickly.  She pushed me, but the conversation was great.  I finished 15 miles and felt stellar.  Then.......

My kiddo was at Junior Runner's Club at the park near our starting point that morning, so I swung over there jumped out of the car and did their warm up run with them.  I stretched with them and did their circuit, but I cheered them on during their 800 meter time trials.  I was toast!

Follow that up with a day of shopping and needless to say, my little legs are tired today.  I've kept my feet up most of the day just recovering so this week will go well and I can just run 10 miles Saturday. 

The clock is ticking as I near my first full marathon, just gotta keep moving!  November 3rd will be here before I know it! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First run with band aids

First of all, I am so thankful we run at the wee wee hours of the morning. We have had so much rain the past few days there is no way I would be getting any outdoor exercise in that didn't involve rain, thunder and lightning.

Saturday mornings run was met with a torrential down pour, I'm told (as I was sleeping in). Last night it showed no signs of stopping, so I was elated that we were able to run this morning.

I wasn't sure how it would go, but after two and a half hours on my feet during a training yesterday, I figured my legs could handle it. It wasn't fast, it involved walking, but I got my four miles in. Lots of hills greeted our runners this morning on our route, I know they are good for me, but that doesn't mean I have to like them!

I've got four miles scheduled for the next two days, including some speed work Thursday. Saturday involves 14 miles. This is a new distance for me. I'm a little anxious, but my goal is to finish it injury free. Then we will conquer next week!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Bump in the Road, Actually, The Edge

I started my fall training plan for my full marathon this past week, taking my Tuesday run from 4-6, adding a 6 miler on Wednesday, and my normal 4 miles on Thursday.  Tuesday was rough, as our route didn't allow much additonal space unless we felt like running in a very dark area, which we chose not to, so we did 5 miles.  Wednesday's six miles were slow, but we did them.  I was really looking forward to an easy 4 miles Thursday, followed by a day of rest before 10 miles on Saturday. 

The first mile on Thursday I wasn't certain my stomach was going to approve.  Worked thru that, the next few miles I stopped trying to do my all out pace which was resulting in a lot of walking.  I finally found a decent rythem in that last mile that I was happy with, when boom, I hit the ground.

I took a turn and I heard some folks behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see where they were, when my foot slipped off the edge of the pavement and thankfully I landed on the grass shoulder of the road on all fours.  I took a second, sat still, then got up.  Everything was working ok, my hands weren't bleeding, my capris weren't ripped at the knee.  Great, just a fall, I'll be sore Friday but I'll be good to go for Saturday's run......or so I thought.

Once I hit the light I found out I had cut my knee, but it was still dark and I couldn't tell how bad or good it was.  I put a wet napkin on it in the car and headed home.  Once I got inside, I had to wake up the hubby to decide if I should hit the doctor's office and see if it needed stitches or not.  (The reason for the great debate, I made a poor decision last year after a mountian biking accident and have the ugliest scar on my left leg.)  After some discussion and a shower we decided it would be best to have it looked at. 

After two hours at the doctor's office, they wrote me a script for an ointment, told me they could do stitches, but I didn't really need them, handed me instructions on bandaging it and to work I went.  He said I could run as soon as I felt up to it, he was concerned about the swelling, but nothing big.

My poor knee

Or so I left ankle has been swelling for two days, my knee is stiff as can be, and I'm not a happy runner.  It was raining early this morning and stiffness in my knee said stay in bed.  I missed my 10 mile run but felt it would be better to miss this distance (that I've done a lot in the past couple of months) than to mess it up more and miss my weekday runs this coming week. 

I really hope things are improved by Tuesday morning, I really can't afford to miss my 14 miler next weekend, but I can't mess my leg up.  I just finished telling some friends who helped me with my training schedule that I really hadn't been injured other than one brief time after running on a treadmill (mean machine!)  I'm confident this will all work out.  Just a bump in the training plan and a lesson learned to not look back when running, I don't stear well going in that direction. LOL

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Funny, I've been running for over a year and yet I'm learning and relearning so many things with each week.

I've been back for a week from China, I climbed to the top of the section we were at, probably almost as hard as a half marathon.  (I still think my Garmin is whacked because it says I only burned 153 calories, but I'm not buying it!)  We walked most places and I was on my feet for several hours a day teaching conversational English for 8 days, and I lost 4 pounds while we were gone.  I packed my running stuff (hoping I'd be able to fit in some running) but other than the Garmin and my retiring short distance shoes, the rest of it stayed in the suitcase.

I did two short runs during the week, oh they were not pretty.  I had to get in a long run today because I'm 11 weeks from The Rock N Roll Marathon, Savannah, my first full marathon.  With the help of some friends I've got my training plan hammered out, adding in additional mileage during the week.  I did my 12 miles today, slowly but surely. 

So, get to the point Steph, what are you learning...getting there.  My running buddies are dropping like flies.  I've learned that having a running group that is large, even if I don't know everyone super well, is invaluable!  The running group I started running with in January has several runners that are training for various marathons and half marathons, so they are running and they are running similar distances to me.   

Pace buddies, especially on a day like today when this is my first long run in a month, are a big deal.  If you don't have someone you pace with, you are running in the dark, and it's extremely early in the morning, it's a bit awkward at times.  Thankfully I grabbed my ipod and headphones this morning before heading out because I've noticed that some of the runners that I would likely end up running near typically wear headphones.  The issue is I'm at an in between pace today, not as quick as several runners and yet faster than the next group, I'm stuck in the middle.  As long as I had someone near me, I was fine.  

Music playlists should be updated regularly, even when you aren't using them.  Thankful I had my music, I haven't ran with music in months, but I started playing it towards the end of the run, when I was already tired and most of my music is really fast paced, note to self-mix in some more medium paced songs for training.  I did get a kick out of some of the songs that I haven't listened to in months.

My ears are small, not just a little, they are really small.  Most earbuds pop right out and I have a hard time finding headphones that are comfortable running in.  I found some a long time ago, that I can only order online now, that work and aren't expensive, but I'm either having an ear problem on my left side (totally possible) or the left side is going out on this pair too.  I'm debating, break down and buy really good headphones or stick with the cheapies and replace them as needed.  Or since starting this post, make sure you had them on right.  Problem solved. 

I also learned today that with the increased heat, there is a need for Body Glide.  The last time I was running distances like this it was cold.  Sweat wasn't as much of an issue, but so not true after today's run. 

The last 2.75 miles I ran by myself as I didn't need the full distance some of the group was running.  It wasn't bad, I had to push myself to keep running, but I finished it.  It felt good to be at 12 miles.  In the next couple of weeks I'll be surpassing my half marathon max distance, which is strange, yet really exciting as I work towards that 26.2 number. 

I wonder what else I'll learn on this journey.....


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I've been in a bit of a rut for the last few months. I've been running, and running, and running, but there have been way to many days where I feel like I'm running out of steam!

My eating habits for the last several months have been atrocious. I haven't truly pushed myself on my week day runs. I have walked more than I care to share. I lost my main running partner for the time being to an injury, thankfully I run with a group and I have another running buddy that paces near me, although I'm certain she is much faster than me.

I've been toying with some crosstraining, because I signed up for the Rock'n'Roll marathon in Savannah, GA in November. Yes, the FULL marathon, not half. I've started cycling more, but I've been inconsistent, until last week. I put in a good solid week of training and I must say, it paid off!

This morning's 4 miles were some of the best I've done in a very long time. My fourth mile was my second fastest mile. I also received a very nice compliment regarding my improvement from one of the more experienced runners in the group. I'm so excited to keep crosstraining and working hard to see the results.

New gadget! Light from Road ID, love this little light. Super bright and light.

One year running anniversary is just around the corner. July 4, 2011 I started the couch to 5k app and haven't taken more than a short week off, due to an injury, since! That is a big deal for this reformed couch potato.

Happy Running!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Beginning Something....again

I've neglected this blog, shame on me. There are seasons I believe for things in our lives and I'm in a bit of a transition.

I'm going to run my first Full Marathon in November, the Rock n Roll marathon in Savannah. I'm excited yet nervous. The highest mileage I've had since The Princess is 11.5. I have been consistently running, but have not "officially" launched my training plan.

That will begin in just a few weeks, after the crazy end of the school year schedule. Then the long runs will begin, thankful I've grown very accustomed to 5 am group runs. The group I run with puts in some serious miles, but I don't know when those start coming.

I've enjoyed the group runs, I actually stopped running with music. I never thought I would say that, but I've actually enjoyed it. I've started cycling more, which is a nice time to spend with the hubby and my girlie.

Something I do need to get in check is my eating habits. I'm getting back into junk food and away from healthier choices. That's on my list right now.

One set back is that my running buddy that I pace very well with has been injured for a month now. She is in pain and really wants the healing to take place so she can get back out there. I'm ready for the healing to start, and then quickly wrap up so we can get back to our chats!

Sunday, March 25, 2012's your training plan?

Great question! After finishing my two half marathons and running a not so great paced 5k, I'm looking at beginning to train for my first full marathon.

I've been running with a group twice a week, very early in the morning, but I'll be thankful for that once temperatures continue to rise. Saturday runs have started following my friends training schedule for her half. It's easier to share long run strategies with someone and much more fun.

Oh, new realization. I can run without music! I truly didn't think I would be ok with that. I knew I could do it, I was just certain I would hate it! The group runs have worked out really well for me to just leave the headphones at home or in the car.

I learned a valuable lesson Saturday... Make sure you have the key to get back in your car when others are relying on you and your hubby is getting ready to head out on the bike for 35 miles. Thankfully he was able to play the role of knight in shinning armor, he did a smashing job! We then had to go on a recovery mission to locate the little key thingy that detached from my key FOB. It was safely recovered.

After a week of slacking, running plans are back in full swing! Cycling tomorrow, 4 miles Tues and Thursday, speed work Wednesday and cycling. 4 miles Saturday.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Half what?

I'm not the best at blogging regularly, I guess it's that feeling that I just don't have that much to say (worth writing down that is.)

I'm a verbal processor, but I do enjoy actually putting things down into words, I think I find it freeing.

The Disney Princess Half Marathon was a week ago.  I cannot express just how much fun it was to run in the middle of Cinderella's Castle and around Walt Disney World.  I absolutely enjoyed it, but there is something I enjoyed even more than just the sheer running....

These lovely ladies made the entire experience so marvelous! (I'm missing a few ladies in this picture that were absolutely marvelous cheering squad!)  Diverse group of ladies, varying abilities (Betty=FAST!), yet so much fun and just made the entire adventure sheer joy!

I must say I enjoyed being called Princess Stephanie

Race morning we met up and headed to Epcot at 3:30 in the morning (crazy I do believe).  Disney had everything so well organized.  I don't think I've ever seen so many Port-A-Potties in one 13.1 mile range before in my life!  They had volunteers to tell you to look out for speed bumps, they had volunteers to hand you your medal, they had volunteers handing out everything!  They even had volunteers lining Main Street to take your picture with your camera in front of the Castle!  I don't have that pic with me or it would so be here!

I was fortunate to have Jenny to run with for 10 miles.  She absolutely exceeded her expectations and made the 10 miles fun for me, as I'm a bit of a talker (I know, you are shocked!)

Here I am after I think Mile 5, my hubby and girlie actually found me, made my day!

After mile 10 I put my headphones in.  My shuffle had been going the entire time, but I was talking.  So, once I put the headphones in and got moving, I was elated to cross the last causeway leading into Epcot with one of my favorite, most uplifting songs playing in my ears (Son of Man by Tye Tribbett).  I was doing intervals and I stopped to walk as I was getting ready for the last couple of miles and this sweet lady came along side me and encouraged me to keep going, she thought I was frustrated.  I thanked her and explained I was doing intervals and I wanted to finish strong.  She cheered me on and kept on going.  I love doing things with encouraging folks.

As we left Epcot park and headed for the finish, there was a choir and my shuffle was playing Victory in Jesus (Travis Cottrell version) which just made me want to run harder!

We were all able to find each other and get reunited before the rain set in and we all headed in different directions.  We had a great cheering squad of friends and family that set up just after we received our medals, this allowed us to find everyone as we got the texts that they were finishing.

Overall, sooooo fun!  I'm now trying to decide what is next.  I have a 5k in a couple of weeks and then I'm just not sure.  I'm trying not to go overboard!  (Let's see how well that works for me.)

Miraculously, we all found each other after the race, we heard a proposal happen.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Donna 26.2 to end Breast first 13.1!

What a great weekend! We woke up Saturday morning and I took my girlie to Junior Runner's club. I was able to run an easy short run with the kids. Then we headed to Jacksonville Beach for packet pick-up and the expo. Who knew I would enjoy this so much! Giveaways, shopping, all related to running!

We used the shuttle service to go to the expo. Everything was working well. We had our game plan for the morning. We left plenty of time for the transport, or sober thought. We headed to the shuttle service by 5 am. They said all runners needed to be on a shuttle but 5:30am. We didn't actually get on the bus until 5:30 or 5:35. Our friend who was running the full was staying beachside and they had tons of people waiting and not a single shuttle!

By the time we got to the runners area, let's just say chaos was going on. We didn't end up in the correct corral, my feet were frozen, but we had glove warmer inserts! The race started and we were off.

My little feet were so cold they felt like blocks of ice hitting the ground for the 1st half mile. They gave some good advice to hold on to your top layer on this extremely cold morning in case the wind was really strong on the beach. While I was running along at a nice and sustainable pace, here comes my friend Pam! They had all kinds of transportation issues but made it. I got to hug her while running and she was off with her running buddy for the Full marathon. She did amazing and is such an inspiration to so many of us!

The spectators along the course were great, very supportive. The causeway wasn't bad on the way out. The beach run wasn't bad for me, different but not bad. I missed the wind picking up there.

Turn around, headed back. They did a great job with water and Gu stops. We hit the on ramp for the causeway, the last 3-4 miles, and here comes the 1st place marathoner. He was flying! We cheered him on as he went by.

Then we started climbing the tall causeway. By this time I fell in with a Galloway pace group. The wind was blowing so hard I had to keep my head down so I wouldn't lose my Tuff Girl visor by NeverQuit. I was praying the entire time that the wind would die down and that my girls would have strong legs for this climb and wind.

Headed down the off ramp and getting ready to take the last half mile I started getting a bit emotional. I was so excited to actually be finishing my first half marathon, I was moved by the purpose of the run. So many folks running were obviously impacted by breast cancer, loved ones, survivors, friends.

The finish went well, I found my family and friends freezing. Talked to a lady who flew here from LA to run with her nephew in honor of her sister who survived breast cancer. Met back up with Amber and then the real chill set in. I couldn't stop shaking!

Great experience overall. The Princess half marathon is in two weeks. My sports massage is tomorrow.

Guess what.....I ran 13.1 miles today and I ran it well! I'm still a bit giddy!

Friday, February 10, 2012

First Half Marathon...oh my!

So, I'm not the best at keeping things current on the blog.  Training has progressed nicely, I had a little bit of an injury in December which kept me from running for about a week, but that has been worked out.

My friends and I have been training hard, primarily for the Disney Princess Half Marathon at the end of the month, but my faithful training buddy and I are doing the 26.2 Donna half marathon this weekend in Jacksonville Beach, FL.  She can't make it to The Princess, so we are so excited for this race!

People running

There are so many reasons I'm excited about this race!  First and foremost, because not only are two of us running our first half marathon, but our friend and breast cancer survivor is running her first full marathon!  She is such a huge inspiration to so many of us.  She cheered me on at the finish line of my first 5k, so I think it's rather fitting that I get to return the favor on Sunday when she finishes her first full marathon!

This race doesn't just say it's trying to end breast cancer, they mean it!  70% of the proceeds go directly to the Mayo Clinic research department (where the race starts) and the other 30% goes to the Donna foundation that supports families and those going thru treatment for breast cancer.  This is so important to me, I have several relatives (my Grandmother, my favorite aunt ever, my Mother-in-law) and friends of the family that have survived this disease.  With the family background being what it is, I'm so likely to experience this one day.  I'm fine with that, God knows already and will provide exactly what I need.  But if they could just cure it all together, well, I'd be just fine with that too.

Ok, this is a bit selfish, but we get to run on the beach for a decent distance.  It's on hard packed sand, and those that have done this before say it's no big deal from a footing stand point.  I LOVE the beach!  So, to get to run for a great cause, with great people, in a beautiful location breathing in salt air, PERFECT RACE WEEKEND! (but what do I know, this is my first!)

I will make sure and update after the race.  I'm anxious and so excited to get going.  I feel like a kiddo getting ready to go to Disney (oh wait, I get to do that in 2 weeks!)  If I could go to bed now, I so would!

OH wait, last weekend we did our first family 5k!  All three of us ran, I paced with the kiddo to make sure she paced herself well.  Hubby took 1st in his age group, kiddo took 4th in hers, and another friend of ours son took 5th.  I was so excited to get to share running with the family, what a great weekend!

So, now to finish listening to the Extra Mile podcast on the weekend and get ready for the fun weekend ahead!