New shoes, a new PR for my 5k record and my hubby's first 5k.
Thanksgiving morning we ran our local Turkey Trot, so much fun, so many fun friends! Some of our friends launched their new product lines, Never Quit. It was great to see their launch and to run and see so many familiar faces. Really made my hometown that has grown so much feel like a small town again.
I took 2 minutes off my 5k time from September Wahooo! Great run up a really tough hill, but we finished. I was able to meet a very nice lady from PA that will be running the Princess Half Marathon in February. Just plain fun!
That was then followed by an 8 mile run on Saturday. My training. Buddy and I not only shopped Black Friday in the middle of the night, but we followed it up with an 8 mile training run. We both did great. A few minor hiccups in the beginning, but I'm really happy with the 8 miles. It felt good and I had no muscles issues, my legs recovered beautifully. Or at least I thought so.
I was pumped for my short 3 miles on Monday. Then, not so much. I was slow and just not excited at mile 2. Then I was kindly reminded my body was still recovering from 8 miles.
Wednesday's run was even worse, faster, but my leg cramped and I was just off. So, today is reset. I've rested my legs for two days. I have restarted my healthy fueling plan and I'm taking tomorrows run easy. 4 miles of calm, not going to push myself farther than I need to. Just going to enjoy the run.
Just keep running, running, running!